Photography is my passion, my children are my passion, my family is my passion...

Over the next 365 I will photographically capture the growth of my children, family and my photographic skills. This is not only my adventure in photography but also the crazy everyday adventures of My Raggermuffin Princess, Angel Face and Mr Happy!

Friday, August 5, 2011

Family time at the beach!

A lovely afternoon of fun in the sun on Fraser Island.....Serenity!!

 Sometimes little boys just need to ...ROAR!!!!!
 He refers to GG as "The Apple in his eye". (Giggle Giggles! When you are a good Daddy, who needs to know the correct wording for sayings)
 She's half raggermuffin, half princess!
Next year there will be 3 little ratbags sitting in the sand.  It was a bit too cold and windy for little A to be taken out of the car.